Smart Multi Commodity Grid – Province Zuid-Holland (Dutch)
Arash Aazami Arash Aazami

Smart Multi Commodity Grid – Province Zuid-Holland (Dutch)

One of the primary issues in the worldwide energy transition is to design and create the grids, IT and market structures that form the blood vessels and neural system to serve a sustainable, renewables-based, highly resilient and digitalized energy economy. This economy is best described as an Internet of Energy (IoE). The Dutch province of Zuid-Holland steps up to take a lead.

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Digitization in the Energy Landscape (Dutch)
Arash Aazami Arash Aazami

Digitization in the Energy Landscape (Dutch)

It all begins with an iWe can bring about or undergo changes. The same goes for digitization: whether we have a plan for it or not, digitization has a lasting impact on our lives. We belong to the last generation that has ever known a world without the Internet. We are the generation that says goodbye to an exclusively analog world. With all the associated social and economic consequences. And we are searching in the flood of developments that the rise of zeros and ones brings about. At every administrative level, the question is now being asked whether - and how - digitization should be interwoven into the strategy, into the policy. dea.

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MRDH Roadmap Next Economy – Energy
Arash Aazami Arash Aazami

MRDH Roadmap Next Economy – Energy

This position paper is written for the MRDH Roadmap Next Economy. It is aimed at inspiring the MRDH to define strong, visionary and inclusive pathways towards an energy system that serves all stakeholders, including shareholders, citizens, and the environment.

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