Digitization in the Energy Landscape (Dutch)

We can bring about or undergo changes. The same goes for digitization: whether we have a plan for it or not, digitization has a lasting impact on our lives. We belong to the last generation that has ever known a world without the Internet. We are the generation that says goodbye to an exclusively analog world. With all the associated social and economic consequences. And we are searching in the flood of developments that the rise of zeros and ones brings about. At every administrative level, the question is now being asked whether - and how - digitization should be interwoven into the strategy, into the policy.

Developments are going faster than the existing structures can keep up with. The digital revolution cuts across every sector, every pillar on which society is built. Therein lies great danger, but also great opportunities. What dangers and opportunities are there for the energy supply? Will digitization mean that we will deal with energy in completely new ways? Will ICT companies take over the role of our energy companies? And what choices do we have? Can we take a leadership position in these developments, or do we wait and see what is determined from Brussels or from the market? This document tries to find an explanation for the above questions, and answers where possible. The aim is to provide the reader with tools, a framework for action, a compass, which can be used to navigate in the direction of an energy future desired by all of us.

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Smart Multi Commodity Grid – Province Zuid-Holland (Dutch)


MRDH Roadmap Next Economy – Energy